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  • Writer's pictureKristin Woodward

Friday favorites

where on earth do these weeks go? somehow, the first half crawled by for what seemed like centuries. then, all of a sudden it was Thursday. whee! we’ve got a big weekend full of birthday parties and Pre-K prepping (omg!). Miss Girl’s last day at her current school has got me all weepy and nostalgic, so let’s move on to things that have made me smile this week. have a great weekend!

gifts made with love

okay, so i will toot my own horn a little on this first one. i just love how my flower arrangements for the teachers and school came out! i wanted to give them something that was personal. they all have meant so much to us over the past 3 years. i also didn’t want to spend $75+ a pop for delivered arrangements that had no personal touch. so i somehow came up with these. so excited to use my new washi tape for the first time. this stuff is going to be on everything in my house, if i have my way! Trader Joe’s had some gorgeous stems in the exact perfect colors to match the tapes. a little creative crafting and some tear-jerking (at least for me) notes written, and i am super proud of these beautiful gifts. i hope the ladies of Primrose love them as much as i do.

back-to-school gear


try as i did to guide Miss Girl toward something girly in a backpack, she insisted that dinosaur was the way to go. in the end, i’m kind of proud of her for not going all pink and girly. these adorable Skip Hop Zoo sets are available in tons of places. i ordered from Amazon simply because it was the first place i could find all the pieces i wanted. i’m dying for her name to be embroidered, but probably won’t because of safety concerns with her out in the big world, but absolutely can’t wait for her to use them starting on Monday!

no way wishy washi


from making the floral project above to labeling my leftovers, i am loving these bold, fun tapes for kind of like everything i do right now! so many ideas and options . . . pretty sure you’ll be seeing more of them around here for a while!

fun new bling


so excited i stopped by my boss’ wife’s trunk show earlier this week. i mean, did i have a choice? 😉 Sam DuPont has several gorgeous collections of Indian and Mediterranean inspired baubles. i really wanted one of the beautiful Devi Cuffs, but couldn’t decide on just one, so i went with these quartz, topaz and gold vermeil earrings, instead. for now. can’t wait ’til they arrive!

what women really want

i’ll take 3, please. get yours here.

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