Copy | Content | Creative
Copy | Content | Creative | Collab
The world is our oyster and there are lots of ways we can work together to create amazing new things for your business and your clients. I'd love to join your team as a full-time or fractional creative director, but if that's not in the cards for you at the moment, here are some thought starters on how I can jump in on a freelance basis. See what fits your appetite. Order from the secret menu. Or let's imagine something completely new together. I promise, this is gonna be fun.

Words that woo. Words that sell. Copy that grabs your target audience's attention with a message that resonates can both engage them and close the deal.
Digital & Print Advertising
Direct Mail
Flyers & Brochures
Landing Pages
Product Descriptions
Sales Sheets
Social Posts
Longer form copy that's less about your product and more about your expertise, point of view or achievements can go a long way toward deepening your relationship with customers and prospects.
Blog Posts
Case Studies
Pitch & Presentation Decks
Press Releases
White Papers

More than just words, these big ideas, strategic approaches and light design work can help your brand tell its story in ways that really connect with your customers and capture their hearts.
Campaign Concepts
Event Themes
Messaging Hierarchy & Strategy
Social Media Assets
Voice & Tone Creation
You have ideas? Let's kick up our heels and get to it. I'm currently digging deep into AI, talking about pop culture & advertising podcasts with fellow travelers and thinking about how best to use my 20+ years in advertising to teach, inspire and make a difference in an ever-crazier world.
AI Experiments
Cause Marketing
Focus Groups
Get Togethers with Like Minds
Whatever Else We Can Cook Up...