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Writer's pictureKristin Woodward

Friday favorites: Labor Day edition

soooo looking forward to the long weekend! who’s with me?? the beginning of September always gets me energized to get things organized and (re)start some good new habits. to that end, i have a huge to-do list to tackle over the next 3 days, but instead of feeling overwhelmed i’m excited! here are a few current favorites. hope y’all have some big plans and enjoy the extra day!

1. Clusterfest

(image: Creative Loafing) hands down, this is my very favorite weekend in Atlanta all year. every Labor Day weekend, geeks, jocks, gays, rednecks and booknerds descend upon the city and close-in burbs to celebrate in their own ways. this year, looks like we lost NASCAR and the rednecks, but DragonCon, Chick-fil-A Kick-off Game, Decatur Book Festival and even a couple other big local events will be in full swing. check out the full roster. it is literally the best people watching all year! i work downtown in the middle of DragonCon and have already gotten an eyeful of superheros, video game characters and other cosplay far outside my realm of familiarity. can’t wait to head down tomorrow to watch the parade, which always includes a unit or 2 of Stormtroopers walking down Peachtree. coolest. ever. then we’ll head over to Centinnial Olympic Park to catch the SEC crew. and out to Decatur. Miss Girl has already said she should get 5 books because she’s 5. not sure i can argue.

2. new office furniture

dying for this. i am so tired of working at my kitchen counter. if you ever wonder why my posts are so disjointed and random, it’s because my family drives me insane. i’ve been threatening to contemplating turning our sitting room upstairs into an office just for me: a place to get away. i’ve been looking at girly desks and fantasizing. and then i stepped back a moment. i love being around my family. and the thought of sequestering myself felt a little weird. the fact also remains that nobody ever uses our real, dedicated office space downstairs. so i thought the first thing i should do is fix that up and see if i can work there. i have had my eye on this Ballard Original Office collection for probably years, but never wanted to spend the money. turns out it is 20% off this weekend. when i went into the local outlet at their headquarters right here on Atlanta’s Westside to see if i could pick up wood swatches (i want white, Spy doesn’t. we’ll probably compromise on the grey.), they had a couple of the pieces i wanted, discounted because of minor damage and 40% off this weekend! turns out there is one more outlet i can visit to search for additional pieces. so add one more thing to my list this weekend! hoping i can show y’all a before and after soon!

3. GapKids x ED

just. this. Miss Girl has turned into such a tomboy and i’m wholly supportive of it all. hello, i’m going to have a girl Luke Skywalker for Halloween! it’s like that. so, i was really psyched to see this Gap line this week that at least strives to be a little more gender neutral and positive in promoting different images for girls. plus, it features a couple of these really brilliant, overachieving like 8-year old entrepreneur/brands i keep seeing mentioned. crazy. great marketing. unfortunately, it’s all still probably made by 8-year old non-entrepreneurs in China. but i have to pick my battles.

4. shouting it out

if you follow me on Instagram, you know that Lily ate a black pen this morning, then ran back and forth across the length of our upstairs with black ink on her paws. i tried to catch her and quarantine her in the bathroom, but on every attempt, her paws just got wetter with shower drippings, which made the ink prints darker when she ran back out on the carpet. long story short, after finally catching her and throwing her in the bathtub, i spent a good part of my morning spraying Shout on and steam cleaning all the spots. a bit more work to do in a few places, but i think the Shout totally made the difference in getting these black stains out of our light beige carpet.

5. Yeezy 4 prez

(image: Cambio) and then, in the middle of an already-insane moment in American politics, this happened. i didn’t actually watch the VMAs on Sunday to see the inspiration for this go down (and know he said 2020). but you know what? what the hell. part of me says it’s already a circus, let’s let all the clowns in. part of me says the nation seems to really want a change in who leads us and how we’re led (maybe i’m denying that’s code for wanting to go back to an old white man. yeah, i said it.), so let’s be open to some really new kinds of candidates. you gotta admit, some Kardashians up in the White House would certainly add a little flair. and can you imagine the reality show?? E! must be salivating . . .

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