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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20214 min read
Back-to-School Jitters On 10
We have survived the first week of fourth grade. End of post. LOL, JK. While announcing that achievement seems like enough in itself,...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20212 min read
I came across this little girl’s story on twitter today and it broke my heart. She suffers from a disease called epidermolysis bullosa...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20212 min read
a Mother’s Day not-to-do list
But for all my lists of things I need to remember to do, I is also have a list of things I need to remember not to do. That one also...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20212 min read
drivetime discussions: Miss Girl meets Queen Bey
mkay. so that thing i was writing about Melania last night? yeah, i’m completely done talking about that for right now. let’s talk...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20213 min read
kindergarten: where content of character is everything
in the world of my 5 year old, people aren’t black or white. people have beige skin or brown skin . . . or sometimes pink. they are not...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20213 min read
How to Talk About Tragedy with A 5 Year Old
What happened in Paris last night is shocking. It is terrifying from the standpoint of living in any major city and thinking about...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20211 min read
my first crush
oh, how did you guess this is one of The Daily Post’s prompts? the first real-person crush i remember must have been in maybe 5th grade?...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20212 min read
5 things i will not be packing for school lunch
i have extremely little to offer for today’s NaBloPoMo prompt, “What is/was your favourite thing to pack for school lunch?” as a child, i...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20212 min read
girls don’t sit on the bench
i know. as usual, i’m a little late. but today at the gym, i was lucky, um, to be at the gym at lunch time for the first time in a long...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20214 min read
a Monday night horror story: the 4 stages of homework
this is not pretty, y’all. those who are faint of heart, still deciding whether to have children or rearing precious little newborns that...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20213 min read
summer sunset: week 3
wow, a lot has happened in the past 2 weeks. that’s all immo say to intro this edition of my summer recap series! read on. hope y’all are...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20214 min read
motherhood: a no wuss zone
i desperately wanted to do a mushy post about what i love about being a mom. everybody loves a list! especially for a holiday like...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20213 min read
newsflash: basics no longer standard
a couple weeks ago, when Miss Girl came home singing “i’m a mean old lion . . . rawr!” and i found out that her Pre-K class was taking...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20211 min read
Friday favorites: guilty pleasures
i have to write a separate, tragic post about how we are like 90% through the school year and this schedule has still not gotten...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20212 min read
5 truths from my stint as a soccer mom
it’s that time again, folks! the first soccer game of the season is today. it got me thinking about this post from the end of the season...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20213 min read
best. mom. ever.
holy. F. y’all. it is cold as balls out and i am drowning in a sea of how is all this shit supposed to actually happen? at work. this...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20214 min read
everyone, meet Lily!
okay, so i know those of you following along are like whoa. wait a minute? who’s this Lily? where. is. Pennies??? excellent question,...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20213 min read
no rest for the weary, y’all.
i know i’m cursing a lot lately. i think i’m just getting more comfortable here and worrying less what my mom and Spy think. not that...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20212 min read
a birthday wish
today, i’m celebrating my 43rd birthday. that’s right 43. not 29 for the 15th year running. and i do mean celebrating. this year, i’m...
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Kristin Woodward
May 24, 20213 min read
Sunday supper + Blogtober14: what makes me happy
i’ve been trying not to double up on posts. there’s probably something in my Virgo moon that likes clean separation on these kinds of...
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