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Writer's pictureKristin Woodward

Writing 101: coffee talk

coffee & notebook

if we were having coffee right now, i’d tell you how excited i am to be the only one awake in the house. i’d tell you it’s my very favorite time of day — when things are quiet and clean. it’s one of my very few windows of me time, so it’s a really perfect time for us to be catching up.

if we were having coffee right now, i’d tell you i’ve got my notebook with me because i have a lot of writing to do this weekend and i might need to jot down some notes. i’d tell you about Writing 101 and that this post is the Day 10 assignment. today is actually Day 11 and i’m actually a few posts behind and skipping around, but having a lot of fun with it. in addition to getting caught up on all that (i think i have 3 more make-up posts?), i volunteered to write a proposal for finally getting seating and shade in the park behind our house. someone else already did the heavy lifting of getting all the estimates and i just need to write up something really brilliant to justify the cost of the project.

if we were having coffee right now, i’d ask if you’re loving this fall-ish weather we’re having right now with crisp mornings and gorgeous sun-shiny afternoons. and i’d tell you how glad i am that everyone here for Music Midtown lucked out with the weather. and speaking of Music Midtown, i’d mention that Spy ran into Billy Idol in the lobby of the St. Regis on Wednesday morning! how cool! (image: songkick)

if we were having coffee right now, i’d tell you how slack i have been about working out and that after running for the first time in a couple months last Sunday i was so sore i could barely move my legs until Thursday. i plan to get out there again this weekend, with (i hope) less bodily damage and really get back on track.


if we were having coffee right now, i’d tell you all what Miss Girl wants to be for Halloween: Luke Skywalker. and i’d ask you if you thought that was weird or not. i’m torn, but mostly think it’s cool and wonder if i should be Princess Leia or a Storm Trooper (or maybe Darth Vader) to go with her. we’d also talk about how i can’t believe we need to buy some Halloween decorations when we go to Target later today because everything gets sold out so quickly and i don’t want to find myself SOL in October like i did last year.

if we were having coffee right now, i’d tell you how excited i am to watch football on Sunday and how nervous i am about the Falcons’ first season with their new coach. i’d tell you i’m counting the days until we head to the Dome for the game against the Redskins, which is always my favorite match-up since i grew up as a Redskins fan.

if we were having coffee right now, i’d apologize for cutting it short, but tell you that the family is awake and i need to get ready to go out for breakfast because i absolutely don’t feel like cooking this morning. i’d ask if we could do it again sometime and promise that next time, we’ll talk more about you!

have a great weekend, everyone!

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